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Recess Choices

Some students need to be reminded of the various recess choices available to them or they wander around “looking for something to do” which may lead to inappropriate play.

Reminding children of the many recess choices available to them can be helpful. Mandating which activity children participate in is a practice that parents and children development specialists and many teachers take issue with. This is because it is thought that this time is best spent with free play options selected by the child. It also allows children to play with their friends and to develop social skills.

Although fewer and fewer children are playing organized sports each year (the number has declined for the past 15 years).

Some recess options: swings, sandbox, jump rope, hopscotch, talk and walk, play on the bars, be a buddy, hula hoop, kickball, basketball, monkey bars, slide, soccer, tag, chalk a game, and four square.

Download your free set of Recess Choices posters below in Section 2 Resources. The download is called, “Recess Choices.”

Playground Tips Choices Cards


Recess Choices


FREE 10 Rainy Day Activities for Indoor Recess and P.E.

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