We help to prevent bullying and promote positive social interaction on the playground.

Playground programs and stencil kits to enhance learning, physical activity, prevent bullying and promote positive social interaction on the playground at recess.

As Featured in

MANDATORY RECESS 11 states now require it.

Is your school facing the challenge of ensuring a peaceful recess under new mandatory guidelines? Discover strategies for a harmonious playground…Learn More

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program

Our Most Popular Program – Add 100 painted games to your playground

Are you noticing more playground conflicts?

Children are not immune to life’s stressors. Increased use of technology and the pressures of growing up can take a toll on our learners.

From lack of interest to overcrowded playgrounds, school recess can become an overwhelming and chaotic operation. In fact, principals and recess supervisors across the nation will tell you recess discipline remains one of the biggest issues school staff and administration face.

  • Reduced Bullying.

  • Reduction in Playground Arguments.
  • Teaches Conflict Resolution.
  • Reduced Playground Injuries.
  • More Physically Active Children.

Over 9,000 schools across the nation have implemented Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program and they’ve noticed significant improvement in their playground environments and kids health and physical activity.

Peaceful Playgrounds painted games w/logo

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit

This cost-effective physical activity program kit gives you everything you need to create and implement 100 permanent games and activities to transform the playground at your school, church, or park

School Playground Designs

Our DIY activity programs include blueprints, playground stencils, and playground game guides to create a peaceful outdoor recess experience your students and staff will love. We create every product and program with safe play principles, to support healthy kids and enhance free play.

Join more than 10,000 other schools and over 4 million children by choosing Peaceful Playgrounds Programs and products, including:

Our Featured Products

USA Playground Map Stencil Set

This geographically and proportionately accurate USA Playground Map Stencil is easy to apply and can be painted by two adults in just 5 hours.

Peaceful Playgrounds Webinars

A variety of 60-minute webinars designed to guide you through proven strategies that reduce bullying, injuries, and conflict on the playground.

2-Go Games Rugs – Brain Breaks

Indoor activities for brain breaks that integrate physical activity and academic learning.

Sensory Pathways

Activities to practice basic fundamental locomotor skills.

Fitness Fun Trail

A par like course of workout stations for daily exercise.

Recess Stencil Kit

Six of our most popular stencils from the recess pack.

Dr. Melinda Bossenmyer

Becoming the Recess Doctor

Founded by former principal Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, the Peaceful Playgrounds Program started at E. Hale Curran Elementary School in Murrieta, California in 1996.

Dr. Bossenmeyer put the Peaceful Playgrounds Program into use, and Curran Elementary school saw an immediate improvement in playground interaction. Recess monitors and teachers couldn’t believe the overwhelming change to outdoor recess interactions.
It was then that Dr. Bossenmeyer made the commitment to exposing more schools, teachers, and children to the benefits of her program. After reaching over 10,000 schools and changing the lives of millions of administrators, teachers, and children, Dr. Bossenmeyer hung up her Principal cap and became the Recess Doctor.

She and the Peaceful Playgrounds Foundation partner with funders and sponsors to ensure that the Peaceful Playgrounds continues its transformational mission to create a safe play environment, support healthy, active kids, and advocate for recess and free play.

The Peaceful Playgrounds team is dedicated to keeping our vision at the center of all we do. We are committed to ensuring youth of every ethnicity, income level, and ability have a fun, educational, safe play environment and the opportunity to be happy, healthy, active, positive, and productive.

Play nice! Play often!

Still need information, Check our sections below

Physical Education

Physical Education

Increase children’s physical activity levels. Use of playground markings is effective in increasing the amount of physical activity.



A high quality recess program can help students feel more engaged, safer and positive about the school day, according to Stanford research.

Early Childhood

Early Childhood

Young children need to be active 60 min a day. Our markings help with fundamental skill development too.

After School

After School

Let us assist you in meeting the after school physical activity requirements with our playground markings and games. Kids having fun and improving their health.

What Principals Are Saying About Peaceful Playgrounds

  • 66% saw a decrease in playground confrontations.
  • 83% reported more children participating in games
  • 56% reported students getting along better in school
  • 67% reported decrease in playground injuries
  • 64% saw a decrease in bullying

Insights & Resources

Peaceful playground Brochure

Peaceful playground Brochure

Get the latest copy of our brochure featuring all three of our award-winning playground and student wellness programs. The Peaceful Playgrounds…

60 Alternatives to with holding Recess

60 Alternatives to with holding Recess

Given the value of recess in a student’s physical and social development and the need for periodic breaks from classroom instruction, using recess as punishment…

Right to Recess Campaign

Right to Recess

Despite mounting evidence that kids need an outlet to blow off steam, learn to interact with others and get the exercise they need, nearly 40 percent of…

How teachers should respond to bullying

How teachers should respond to bullying

First, it is important to acknowledge that students rarely bully victims in front of an adult. The chance of a teacher observing bullying in school is limited….