Recess Before Lunch Bk CoverRecess Before Lunch State Policy or Recommendations.

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The Recess Before Lunch trend is growing.  Ten states have Recess Before Lunch policies or recommendations for implementing Recess Before Lunch Programs.


Recess Before Lunch: The School Site Resource Kit: Implementation Guide for the Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition State Plan (2010) recommends that schools implement recess before lunch.


Recess Before Lunch: The Wellness Policy Guidelines (2010) “exemplary” level includes schools offering recess before lunch.


Recess Before Lunch: The State Department of Education includes providing recess before lunch as a simple goal in its guidance document for wellness policy implementation and monitoring, Making Wellness Work: A Guide to Implementing and Monitoring Wellness Policies in Maryland  (2009).


Recess Before Lunch: The Model Local Wellness Policy (2005) recommends that schools schedule recess before lunch.

The State Board of Education Model Policy on Quality Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools strongly encourages recess before lunch.


Recess Before Lunch: The Montana Office of Public Instruction encourages schools to adopt a recess before lunch policy. Extensive resources, information and marketing and implementation materials and have been developed to support schools in this effort.

New Jersey

Recess Before Lunch: The School Nutrition Policy recommends scheduling recess before lunch.whenever possible.

New Mexico

Recess Before Lunch:  The School Wellness Policy Guidance Document recommends that all schools consider scheduling recess before lunch.


Recess before Lunch: The Statewide School Wellness Policy (2006) requires each local education agency to serve lunch after the mid-day recess period. 


Recess Before Lunch: The Nutrition and Fitness Policy Guidelines (2005) recommend scheduling recess before lunch whenever possible.

West Virginia

Recess Before Lunch: Board Policy 4321.1 (2008) strongly recommends recess before lunch in elementary schools.

Want more information on Recess Before Lunch?  Visit our webpage for videos, fact sheets, research and many other resources for implementing a Recess Before Lunch Program.

Recess Before Lunch Webinar

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*Information from the National Association of State School Boards

State School Health Policy Database