Fitness FunZone Activity : Fitness Trail


The Fitness Fun Zone Fitness Trail has 24 stations that can be configured to meet your needs.  You can make a huge 24 station fitness trail utilizing all 24 station stencils or 2 smaller 12 station trails.  The smaller 12 station trail consists of a set of exercise stations like long jump, jump to the sky, quick jumps, and twister to name a few.   The 12 jump rope stations include: Bell, Basic jump, skier, and straddle cross jumping to name a few.

Scan the QR codes with a smartphone to see demonstrations on how to perform activities at each station.

More information on the Fitness FunZone Fitness Trail.


The Fitness Fun Zone Fitness Trail has 24 stations which can be configured to meet your needs.  You can make a huge 24 station fitness trail utilizing all 24 station stencils or 2 smaller 12 station trails.  The smaller 12 station trail consists of a set of exercise stations like long jump, jump to the sky, quick jumps, and twister to name a few.   The 12 jump rope stations include: Bell, Basic jump, skier and straddle cross jumping to name a few.

Scan the QR codes with a smart phone to see demonstrations on how to perform activities at each station.


*This product is made in the USA


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