Brain Breaks Resources

PowerHour: Making Minutes Count

Power Hour: Recharged for the 21st Century: Elementary Edition is designed to develop the abilities young people need most in order to be college- and career-ready in the 21st century – including skills such as collaboration, knowledge construction, accessing and analyzing information, critical thinking and problem-solving, effective written and verbal communication.

Here is your PowerHour downloadable resource to boost math skills.

Disney’s Be Your Best

Disney’s Magic of Healthy Living has a variety of tools and resources. Be your best makes it easier to make healthy choices in stores and online. But the resou

es. Simply print out the various small posters that show and have an explanation for how to correctly person the stretches and exercises. Be Your Best Download

Take 5 Poetry Brain Breaks

Healthier Generation and Kohl’s Healthy Home Resource. Every month, they share a new poem with video read-alouds, resources, and activities for one-on-one or group sessions, in English or Spanish.

Monthly Brain Breaks for Poetry Take 5.

Active Academics: Learning on the Move

Active Academics: Learning on the Move is a membership website with lots of physical activities integrated with classroom learning concepts. According to their website description, Active Academics is a resource for classroom teachers that provide practical physical activity ideas that can be integrated with regular classroom content.

Free Site Register for free downloads in Open. Online Physical Education Network.

Disney’s Magic of Healthy Living

Disney’s Magic of Healthy Living has a variety of tools and resources. The Mickey Check makes it easier to make healthy choices in stores and online. But the resource that I’m recommending is theDisney TRYit Activities and exercises. Simply print out the various small posters that show and have an explanation for how to correctly person the stretches and exercises.

Responsive Classrooms

Responsive Classroom Energizers

This is a great set of “energizers” for getting children up and moving indoors or outside.

Moving Minutes Chicago Public Schools

Created by the Office of Student Health and Wellness with contributions from Chicago Run, Mindful Practices and Play works.

Moving Minutes-Chicago Public Schools

Get’em up, Moving and Learning

Carrie Flint

Carrie has a music CD that is full of brain breaks that are combined with music.

Sparking Life Niagara Activity Cards

Sparking Life Niagara Activity Cards are activity cards for middle school-adults. There are a variety of activities like a ladder, medicine ball, and stretch bands required for the various activities.

Insights & Resource

Teacher Created Brain Breaks
Recess Program Stencil Set
Physical Activity and Brain
10 Rainy Day Activities