Physical Activity in Schools
by Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor
Physical Activity Opportunities in Schools: New and Old Favorites
America today faces a childhood obesity crisis. The public is looking to schools to address this crisis through offering more physical activity opportunities. Yet, we know that the majority of school–age students do not meet the CDC guidelines for 60 minutes of physical activity daily. It is combining the minutes from physical education, recess, after school and sports teams that children move closer to the 60 minutes per day guideline.
This page is devoted to organizations that provide support to schools in creating more physically active environments.
To kick off the concept of physical activity in schools we invited Judy LoBianco, the Supervisor of Health, Physical Education and Nursing Services at South Orange-Maplewood Schools in New Jersey. Ms. LoBianco was the 2013 Administrator of the Year for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). In the video presentation she shares her strategies for getting students more physically active in her schools.

List of Agencies that help bring physical activity opportunities to schools

Alliance for a Healthier Generation
The Healthy Schools Program is helping people in all walks of life. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation encourages schools to provide healthier environments and physical activity opportunities. Just a few of the tools available on their website include: Resource Database, Success Stories Database, Product Navigator, and Experts in the Field to name just of few of their many resources.

SHAPE America
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD). AKA Shape America
Provides a number of resource documents for evaluating physical education programs, recess recommendations and physical activity in schools recommendations. The have best practices resource , PE Standards and position statements that support various physical activity programs like Physical Education and Recess. NASPE has created resource briefs on popular topics dealing the physical education and physical activity.

Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Coordinated school health (CSH) is recommended by CDC as a strategy for improving students’ health and learning in our nation’s schools. A few of their resources are Guidelines for Coordinating School Health Programs, Making the Connection: Health and Student Achievement, Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool, Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool, and the School Health Index: A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide.

The Healthy Schools Campaign
The Healthy Schools Campaign is a leading voice for people who care about children, education and our environment according to their website. There are two school programs: 1) Fit to Learn-With the help of Fit to Learn®, teachers are seamlessly integrating wellness into the classroom environment and the school experience and 2) Cooking Up Change, Students across the nation are rewriting the recipe for school food.

Tips for Teachers: Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in the Classroom (CDC)
New resource from CDC to share with your child’s teachers. Covers Healthier Fundraisers, Creating Physically Active Opportunities in the Classroom, Making Recess A Part of Each Day, Do Not use Physical Activity as Punishment, and many more.

Let’s Move Initiative
The key goals First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative has worked toward over the past four years, which include inspiring a cultural shift that “helps families support kids’ health, creating a demand for healthier products, ensuring that the healthy choice is the easy choice for families, and increasing physical activity in schools for kids across the country.” (Let’s Move Website). The school program is Let’s Move Active Schools. The website has a number of resources and provides technical assistance through a Physical Activity Leaders (PAL’s network).

President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition
The President’s Council has a number of programs and initiatives to help inspire children and leaders to be active, eat well, and get healthy.The signature program of PCPFSN is The Presidential Youth Fitness Program is a comprehensive school-based program that promotes health and regular physical activity opportunities for America’s youth. The President’s Challenge, the long-standing awards program of the President’s Council, helps people of all ages and abilities improve their fitness, physical activity, and nutrition habits through a suite of recognition programs.

Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook – CDC
Recognition of the importance of school physical activity has reached a new height in America. Physical activity programs must be evaluated to reflect on our progress, see where we’re going and where we’ve come from, share what we’ve learned with our colleagues, put money to non-duplicative use, and improve our programs. Fitness FunZone Physical Activity Evaluation

USDA School Nutrition Program Information
Provides information on the School Lunch Program, the School Breakfast Program, Team Nutrition, and USDA School Meal Regulations Website to name a few of the many resources that are available.

Walking Classroom
The Walking Classroom is an Award-Winning nonprofit program that strengthens students’ PHYSICAL, MENTAL, and ACADEMIC HEALTH. Kids listen to standards-aligned educational podcasts while walking— they walk, listen, and learn. Learn More……

Active Bodies = Active Minds
Students learn that active bodies lead to active minds. by Anna Oberthur Edutopia Blog
UPDATE on Physical Activities Opportunities
Check out our Content Library. It’s Free. We have a slate of articles on Physical Activity and Academics.