Active Design Resources
These active design resources will help you to design more physical activity into an everyday environment. Download toolkits and resources today.Active Design is using spaces like the asphalt and grass (which most schools have) to design activities where children can be active. This page is dedicated to resources that will help you in planning for active spaces.
Every child deserves a healthy, positive school environment. Children’s physical, emotional and social development all benefit from daily physical activity and healthy eating. Better fitness levels are also associated with better academic performance. Because students spend so much of their day at school, schools have a unique opportunity to increase physical activity and healthy eating opportunities for students.

Active Schools Toolkit -Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction– Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
An Active School is a school, along with its surrounding community, where it is easy for school-aged youth of all abilities to be physically active, through planned exercise or routine daily activity. Active Schools provide time in school for physical education and planned physical activity times such as recess.

Active By Design Presentation- FitCity 4 Miami
Active through design presentation on FitCit examines design opportunities for increasing physical activity and offers 12 policy recommendations.

Active Design Toolkit for Schools -The partnership for a Healthier New York
Healthier New York Toolkit
An Active School is a school, along with its surrounding community, where it is easy for school-aged youth of all abilities to be physically active, through planned exercise or routine daily activity. Active Schools provide time in school for physical education and planned physical activity times such as recess.

Peaceful Playgrounds Designed for Learning
Well-designed playgrounds can contribute to and become an outdoor learning environment or even an extension of the classroom without structuring or mandating what children do at recess. (We at Peaceful Playgrounds, do not support a structured recess).
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