What People Are Saying about the Peaceful Playgrounds Training
“We loved our Peaceful Playground training. This program has transformed our recess time. Simple games, the inclusion of all students and loads of procedures have made our recess time trouble free. Thank you Peaceful Playgrounds!”
– Ruthie Rayner, Principal, Hupfeld Academy West Virginia
“This was invaluable and helped expose the weak areas of our playground, and how we can positively impact the students. I love getting fantastic advice.”
– Kyle Riley
“I felt as if this course helped provide information for playground teachers, PE teachers, and classroom teachers. Having all being consistent is most valuable and provides easier understanding for all involved – most importantly, the students.”
– Susie Scott, Elementary PE Specialist – View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy
Peaceful Playgrounds Training
We are pleased that you have decided to take this Peaceful playground online training course. Below you will find a course description, the instructor’s biography. If you have any questions about the course, contact us at info@peacefulplaygrounds.comy, and course FAQs. This course is on-demand and may be taken anytime within a two-week time frame. You can come back to the course and finish it within two weeks. The course is available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.
We hope you enjoy the course!
Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer
Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc.
1. Acquire skills to improve your playground
2. Understand what goes wrong on a typical playground.
3. Learn 5 research-based solutions for what goes wrong on a typical playground.
4. Learn to establish rules and procedures for safe play on playgrounds.
Course Description:
The course is divided into 6 areas:
Introduction – Introduces the Peaceful Playgrounds “Creed” the underpinning of the Peaceful Playgrounds recess program. Students will learn the 5 areas for improvement.
Section 1- Lack of problem-solving ability. This section will cover how problems develop on the playground and strategies for teaching children appropriate problem-solving skills for settling disagreements.
Section 2- Discusses the havoc caused by playing by inconsistent game rules, as well as, the frustration it causes in children. A strategy and procedure for teaching game rules are discussed. Additionally, this section looks at the importance of safety rules to prevent injuries on the playground at recess.
Section 3- This section addresses the problem caused by the lack of loose equipment at recess. The course looks at children’s’ desire to be involved in student-organized games during recess and the roadblocks to their doing so. This section also covers the equipment needed for involvement in games based on a recommended child to equipment ratio.
Section 4- This section addresses the problems caused by a lack of school-wide rules for outdoor play. We discuss the importance of establishing rules and procedures for safe play at recess and discuss the importance of providing written rules for outdoor behavior expectancies and sharing them with parents and staff.
Section 5- Designs. This section points out that blacktop is an underdeveloped resource in most schools. It talks about appropriate game markings for educational settings. Some game markings suggestions are presented and illustrated in the areas of motor skill development markings, game markings, academic markings, and cooperative game markings. These markings (which are scarce in most schools) address the problem of not having enough to do on the typical school playground.
Target Audience
“The Peaceful Playgrounds Training is designed to introduce administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, physical educators, parents, after-school personnel, and playground supervisors to the responsibilities and techniques associated with keeping children safe on a playground.”
Learning Materials
The following learning materials are available for download at the conclusion of the course:
Playground Behavior Report
Article- 5 Strategies for Reducing Playground Injuries
Article- 10 Reasons Recess is so Important
Article – Beyond Busy Happy and Good
Article- Playgrounds Designed for Learning
Article- Disciplining Children on the Playground
Special Pricing for school groups and districts are available.
Please contact us at 951-245-6970 for more information.

Founder/President Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer
Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D. holds a doctorate in Educational Leadership from U.C.L.A. She has an MS and BS in Kinesiology from California State University Fullerton. She holds a K-12 teaching credential in Kinesiology and Health. She holds a K-16 Administrator Clear Credential from UCLA.
Dr. Bossenmeyer taught for 27 years at public, private schools, and universities. She was a site principal and County Office Administrator as Director of Professional Development.
She is an expert witness in cases involving supervision and injuries on playgrounds in school settings.
She has authored 5 books on playgrounds and physical education. She has served on a variety of National Committees and State Boards on playgrounds and physical education.
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