Successful Grant Writing Templates and Funded Grants

successful grant templates

General Mills Grant Template Sample

Champions for Healthy Kids Grant Application Download

Northpoint’s Champions for Healthy Charter School Kids program will provide research-based nutrition and fitness programming at three Minneapolis charter schools, where students have high rates of poverty and obesity. The program will incorporate nutrition and fitness activities into the school day. Lunch menus will be modified to meet the caloric intake and health and nutrition recommendations of the USDA Food Pyramid. Students are expected to increase their knowledge of healthy food choices by 50-percent and increase their level of activity by 20-percent. The program serves 850 students between the ages of 5-14.

successful grant templates

Peaceful Playgrounds Foundation Grant Template

Download a copy of our Program Grant Writing Template. Get head start on writing a successful proposal for implementing the Peaceful Playgrounds Program in your own school.

Peaceful Playgrounds Inc. Sample Successful Grant

Peaceful Playgrounds Narrative and supporting documentation for the grant application.

successful grant templates

School Winning Grants for Peaceful Playgrounds

Peaceful Playgrounds Inc. Sample Successful Grant

Peaceful Playgrounds Narrative and supporting documentation for the grant application.

successful grant templates

Lowes Toolbox for Education Grant Template

Lowes Toolbox Grant Template for submitting a Lowes Grant Application. Sample project: pre-application checklist, application overview, Project name, project budget etc.

Lowes Toolbox For Education Application

successful grant templates

Community Transformation Grants

Grant Resource for Writing Community Grants

Grant resource for writing Community Transformation Grants for Physical Activity (Peaceful Playgrounds Narrative). Alignment to CTG Guidelines.

successful grant templates

Eagle Foundation Grant Sample

Eagle Foundation Grant

The Learning Grants funding seeks proposals from District professional staff as well as advisors and/or coaches of school district sanctioned clubs for an innovative student project. The Eagle Foundation is committed to supporting educational and enrichment activities within the Cumberland Valley community. Grant Download Link

successful grant templates

IAHPERD Sample Grant for Peaceful Playgrounds

Grant Application- IAHPERD

IAHPERD Association Grant for Physical Activity- Peaceful Playgrounds Narrative. Funded grant.

successful grant templates

Community Partners for Health Grant Sample

Community Partners for Health

Community Partners for Health is pleased to announce that it is making available $15,000 in mini- grants.

The goal of the Peaceful Playground project is to provide structured activities for youth during outdoor play that increase physical activity while decreasing conflict among children. Objectives include the learning of many new games and conflict-resolution skills.

successful grant templates

Community Partners for Health Grant Sample

Community Partners for Health

Community Partners for Health is pleased to announce that it is making available $15,000 in mini- grants.

The goal of the Peaceful Playground project is to provide structured activities for youth during outdoor play that increase physical activity while decreasing conflict among children. Objectives include the learning of many new games and conflict-resolution skills.

Related School Playground Grant Resources

Grant Resources
Grant writing for the beginner
Grant Funding
U.S. Map Stencil