School Playground Grant Resources
Peaceful Playgrounds has numerous school playground grant resources to assist you in writing your grants.

Are you planning to include Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program in a school playground Grant Proposal?
The Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit includes several activity guides, rule books, program overview video, problem-solving strategies, and permanent game and activity designs painted on the blacktop. Peaceful Playgrounds unique games are created using our easy-to-use playground stencils.
*If you need an estimate for your grant proposal please contact the office.
Successful Grant Writing Templates <–Click Here
Community Transformation Grants
Grants support the implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of evidence-based community preventive health activities. Playground markings are a popular intervention strategy for childhood obesity.
Link to Community Transformation Grant

Playground Funding Sources
21st Century Learning
Healthy Start
Physical Activity
PA and Nutrition
School Age Child Care Development
After School Education and Safety Programs
School Playground Grants Page < — Find grants to apply for
Grant Writing Course
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear practical advice from an experienced and successful educational grant writer. Dr. Bossenmeyer’s grant writing has secured more than $10 Million.
Visit our Online page to register for this training!
School Playground Grant Databases
Looking for more information on grants and resources? Check the Grants Clearing Houses below or sign up for our free monthly Peaceful Playgrounds Grants Newsletter which is full of current funding opportunities.
Grants 4 Teachers Your complete online resource for information related to K-12 grants. The focus is on the needs of teachers, particularly K-12 educators. Their goal is to help teachers save time and money by maximizing their online experience.
eSchool Simplier Grants Online. This online version of a monthly magazine contains a grants section with regularly updated grants, scholarships, professional development, and other funding opportunities for both educators and students.
GrantsAlert This Web site’s goal is to “make life a little easier for those who devote their time to searching for education grants and identifying new funding opportunities for their organizations, schools, districts, consortia, and state education agencies.” Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all federal grant-making agencies and encompasses over 900 grant programs offered by the twenty-six Federal grant-making agencies. It streamlines the process of awarding over $350 billion annually to state and local governments, academia, not-for-profits, and other organizations.
SchoolGrants-We are teachers- A collection of resources and tips to help K 12 educators apply for and obtain special grants for a variety of projects. The site offers fundraising ideas, sample proposals, grant-writing tips, and scholarship information.
Chronicle of Philanthropy A useful free feature on this site is the “Deadlines” section. On the left side of the toolbar under “Features,” click on “Deadlines.” You can then search for open funding opportunities by topic area such as, “children and youth” or “community health.” The results of your search provide you with a list of open grants, a short description, their deadline, and a link to their website.
Grantsmanship Center The Grantsmanship Center has a state map that allows you to search for grant-making and community foundations in your state. Search results provide direct links to foundation Web sites.
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Grant Resources
Grant templates, grants to apply for, and articles
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