Webb City, Missouri, February, 22: Feb. 12 CDC Strategies for K-12 Schools

Physical Education Recommendations
The recommendations for physical education didn’t change much. They still recommend reducing class size, staggering schedules, and maintaining a 6 foot distance even during physical education activities outside. Sharing of equipment should be limited to your ability to clean/disinfect shared equipment after use. When possible, instruction should be outside.

Students should be allowed to clean hands before and after physical education class. Students should be monitored to cover their mouth when coughing, put tissues in the trash, and use other sensible pre-COVID actions such as washing their hands after sneezing or coughing. And yes, students in physical education should wear a mask at all times. (*unless medically exempted)

Recess Recommendations
The recommendations have not changed much since the May 2020 CDC Advisory. Again it is recommended that you limit the number of children at recess at one time.

Designate areas for specific activities and limit the use of equipment or clean/disinfect after use.


Read the Document Here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/schools-childcare/operation-strategy.html#executive-summary

Read the Phased Mitigation Announcement: https://peacefulplaygrounds.com/cdc-operational-strategy-for-k-12-schools-phased-mitigation/