Why kids need recess

Why kids need recess

Why we need recess

“Why kids need more recess, ” announced a second grader. The CDC, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree with him!

When Catherine Ramstetter, who researches health promotion in schools, started studying recess nearly a decade ago. She lists one of the most important  reasons schools need recess is  recess offers much more than a workout

While some adults think recess provides only recreational opportunities, pediatrician Robert Murray authored a policy statement for the AAP in 2012, it was clear that recess offers much more than a chance for kids to work up a sweat.

Looking for a research-based school-wide recess program?  Check out the Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program.


You may enjoy this Time to Play article,  American Educator 2017 on the subject.