Peaceful Playgrounds Comprehensive Jogging/Walking Program
AND Stencils/Layout for a Walking Track

Peaceful Playgrounds Comprehensive Jogging/Walking Program & Track
Peaceful Playgrounds Walking and Running Track is great for getting kids moving and perfect for those days when it is too wet to run out on the field. The track was designed for painting on elementary school playgrounds’ who rarely have the benefit of a designated running space. Some schools have put the track on the perimeter of the blacktop playground and others have added it to a large square on one portion of the playground. It also gives the local community a place to exercise.
We Count Walking Program Instructional Materials and Awards Included FREE.
Special BONUS While they last!!!

Special BONUS While they last!!! Walking Program Curriculum & Awards Program
The We Count Student Walking Program uses pedometers as an aid to kids in fighting fat. The complete program kit ensures your success with the We Count! Each set includes 10 Student pedometers, progress charts, certificates, logs, newsletters, and motivational stickers. The program’s design is based on research that indicates that inexpensive step-counting devices (pedometers) motivate and educate kids to walk and be more active, thereby impacting the alarming number of overweight children. This innovative new program is designed to get kids fit with the slogan, “Get Fit, Don’t Sit”.
We Count Walking Program
Afterschool Program National Award Winning Program. Rated Excellent!
National Afterschool Association
The We Count Student Walking Program Curriculum includes progress charts, parent letters, step logs, certificates, music CD, stickers, awards, mini-lessons, and more.
Need to put a spark into your walking program? Revitalize your program today!
The curriculum kit comes with a Site License for use at a single school site. The Master Set of all materials and Curriculum CD can be used over and over again at a single school site.
Pedometers Sold Separately
It’s amazing what a little paint and music can do to get kids motivated and moving!
Childhood Obesity Intervention
Environmental changes have shown the most promise in changing human behavior. The key to getting both children and adults active is to make an environmental change that is both easy and readily available thus, the Walking and Running Track.
Students and teachers will pass it every day on the way to and from the playground. This inexpensive intervention packs lots of promise for more active children. Teachers can use it as a physical education warm up activity or utilize it during physical fitness testing.
Parents and after-school community organizations can take advantage of it also.

Walking and Jogging Track
Peaceful Playgrounds new Walking and Jogging Track is great for getting kids moving and perfect for those days when it is too wet to run out on the field. The track was designed for elementary schools who rarely have the benefit of designated running space. Some schools have put the track on the perimeter of the blacktop playground and others have added it in a large square on one portion of the playground. The set comes with Letters, Numbers, feet, and shapes which can be added to the walking and jogging track. Contents included:
- 40 plastic reusable stencils
- Online Support and Layout Suggestions.
- Site License
- Paint and Paint Machine
The Walking/Jogging Track has been an elementary school favorite since 2012.
Utilized by physical education classes, walking clubs, after-school programs and the community.
Peaceful Playgrounds Comprehensive Jogging/Walking Program & Track Kit Includes
Peaceful Playgrounds Jogging/Walking track Kit Includes a wide range of games, equipment & stencils such as:
2. Paint and Paint Machine
Our paint machine can be used on asphalt, cement and grass. The coordinated machine and paint work together to provide crisp, clean lines and bold marks quickly and professionally. This high-quality paint striping machine features 7″ wheels to provide a smooth ride on hard surfaces, such as concrete and blacktop. Engineered and designed for easy operation and durability.
18 gage all-steel construction
6 cans of paint
Stripes widths of 2″ and 4″

3. Layout Suggestions
Peaceful Playgrounds new Walking and Running Track Kit comes with online layout configurations and examples with distance recommendations.
4. Site License
Site license issued for use at a single school site.

5. Cadence CD – 11 Fun Cadence Songs for Running
**Original Peaceful Playgrounds Cadences created for running the program**
Everywhere I Go
As We March Both Near and Far.
A Little Run
Engineer, Engineer, Running Down the Road
Up in the morning
One mile
Gotta Move
We Never Stop
One Lap
I Count
When my Granny was 91
Eleven fun songs to run to that promote physical activity.
Jogging/Walking Track
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