Virtual Events and Support
If you want to learn more about our programs or products, schedule a free 20-minute Zoom screenshare session. Fill out the form below or call 951-245-6970 to book your appointment today.

Our Grant Resources is considered one of the top educational grant resource sites on the web. We keep a current list of grants that would fund a variety of physical activity programs in schools and community organizations. (Please note. We do not do any grant writing.) We point out the resources available to support you in your grant writing efforts, including successful grant templates and training. Number of attendees 1-3
Our experts will talk you through considerations for laying out your playground. We’ll point out why some markings/games should not be placed next to other games due to safety concerns. We’ll discuss the recommended distance between games and markings and how this is addressed in our program designs. (You’ll need to have selected a program or playground design so we can help with design considerations). You may want to invite your team members that are a part of your playground project. Number of attendees 1-7

We recognize that the afterschool setting is unique. This session will discuss your needs and situational challenges and how we can help support your students with afterschool programming materials and training. Number of attendees 1-5
What is the best way to quickly bring my playground supervisors up to speed on their responsibilities for keeping children safe on the playground? Take this opportunity to talk with a nationally recognized playground safety inspector, speaker, and author. Are you experiencing challenges on your playground? Are you struggling with behavior problems? Do your teachers, aides or parents need assistance with playground behavior problems? We’ll focus on your unique situation and provide support from one of our staff members. Number of attendees 1-5

Virtual Meeting Scheduler
Use this form to schedule your VIRTUAL MEETING. Use the pull-down to identify the topic you wish to discuss. In the comments section add your 3 top choices with a days and times you can meet. We'll get back to you with a confirmed time of the virtual meeting.
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