What are the components of a quality elementary school playground?

What playgrounds are best for an elementary school?
If you ask an elementary school principal, most will say that playgrounds should be safe, inclusive and engaging for all students.
Playground Safety
Due to legal concerns around student injuries, safety has become a top priority. Factors that effect playground safety include the design and proper installation of playground equipment. Installation is guided by safety standards that are spelled out in the CDC document, In the Public Playground Safety Handbook. Maintaining playground equipment to see that it is in good condition and assessed frequently is important to playground Safety.
Inclusive Playgrounds
Inclusivity or accessibility is not only important but also a federal mandate so that students of all abilities and backgrounds may play on the playground equipment at recess. Accessibility includes incorporating features like ramps, sensory elements, and equipment that can accommodate different levels of physical activity. Painted playground games like those made available by Peaceful Playgrounds is also gaining in popularity due to the fact that since all games are painted at ground level accessibility is not an issue allowing for a more inclusive playground.
Playgrounds are Engaging and Encourage Physical Activity
Due to the childhood obesity crisis principals will also point to the value of a playground in providing the recommended 60 minutes a day of physical activity as recommended by the CDC for elementary age children. High levels of physical activity at recess are accomplished through engaging activities that encourage group play and social skill development.
Utilizing the Whole Playground
To accomplish playground safety, accessibility, inclusivity, physical activity and social skill development schools should utilize all the school playground has to offer. This could involve using the play structure area, a blacktop area of painted games, field or grass activity which also contribute to spreading children across a large area where students can run freely, play and explore, resulting in fewer playground arguments and injuries.
Overall, a well-designed and well-maintained playground can contribute to a positive school environment and support student well-being and development.