12 Children’s Books on Play

By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor

books on play

12 Children’s Books on Play

Childrens’ Books on Play.

Sometimes, all the motivation a child needs, to get outside and play, is a good Children’s’ book on play.

The list below can accomplish just that purpose and more as well. We explore play from various perspectives in the books selected.

Just one more game

Just One More Game by Martha Hamlett

This story hits home with many children. It is about a young boy who plays video games instead of going outside to play. Even though his parents, sister, and friends get upset with him, his goal is to win a spot in the Video Game Hall of Fame.

Andy and his yellow frisbee

Andy and his Yellow Frisbee by Mary Thompson

Andy plays by himself with his yellow Frisbee every day at recess. But when a new girl arrives and wants to play with him his sister feels uneasy about the situation and just wants her to leave her brother alone.

Keep Going

Keep Going by Mayra Diaz

Keep going is the story of perseverance. It teaches children 5-8 the value of dedication and effort.

Are you ready to play outside

Are you ready to play outside? By Mo Willems

Are you ready to play outside is an early reader with familiar phrases. It is easy to read.

I can still lay

I can still lay by Genny Jones

This is a playful rhyming book. Children learn how various animals play with each other with some fun and familiar games.

Spot goes to the park by Eric Hill

Spot and his friends like to play at the park. What happens when the ball is kicked too far? This book answers that question. This is part of the Spot series of books.

good manners on the playground

Manners on the playground by Carrie Finn

What are the benefits of good manners like sharing, patience, and sportsmanship? Find out in this children’s book about the playground.

Maisy’s sports day by Lucy Cousins

Maisy is really excited about her first sports day. Find out what happens with Lucy participates.

Jean the recess queen

The recess queen by Alexis O’Neill

One of my favorite books on recess. Mean Jean rules the playground through fear and intimidation. But when a new student arrives, things begin to change.

Foggy plays soccer

Froggy plays soccer by Jonathan London

This is a playful rhyming book. Children learn how various animals play with each other with some fun and familiar games.

Pete the Cat and his magic sunglasses

Pete the cat and his magic sunglasses by James Dean

Pete wakes up grumpy but then he puts on his magic glasses. That’s when everything begins to change and Pete realizes that attitude is everything.

we're going on a lion hunt

We’re going on a lion hunt by Margery Cuyler

A teacher leads her class on an imaginary journey. As they trample through grass and cross rivers, they come face-to-face with a lion.

Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D. is an expert witness for school supervision, playground injury cases, physical education, and coaching cases related to supervision. Professional articles by Dr. Bossenmeyer © Peaceful Playgrounds 1998 All Rights Reserved