Marlin Elementary Gets a Grant for  Recess Program

The Herald Times by Mary Keck

Peaceful Playgrounds at Marlin

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (AP) — Visit Marlin Elementary School  and you’ll see a new grant for their  recess program.  You’ll see kids hopping across yellow, blue and red numbers, letters and symbols on the blacktop, their shoes hitting each foot printed on the pavement or stopping on numbers. It is part of the Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program. which the school implemented with their  new recess program.  Students bounced balls on numbered squares, tossed bean bags across a line or tried their hands at tether ball all thanks to the new playground markings.

An example of a new game is an alphabet grid.  It is one of many painted blacktop games spread across the pavement.  Students use it to spell out words while they hop from square to square.  Old favorites like the swings, slides and monkey bars at Marlin haven’t seen as much action lately. Instead, the kids have been trying out games the school rolled with their new recess program this November.

“Before this, you didn’t see this much engagement,” said Nick McGinnis, Marlin principal, as he stood on the playground during a second- and third-grade recess.

Engagement is exactly what the Peaceful Playground  Recess Program is designed for, and it’s the reason the school sought a $5,000 playground grant from Action for Healthy Kids to get the materials and supplies to make it available.

UPDATE on School Grants

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Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit  information can be found here: