Is it safe to offer recess when schools reopen?

Is it safe to offer recess During a Pandemic? Webb City, Missouri., June 19, 2020 Principals across the nation are faced with an added pressure for fall school reopening.  How to offer a safe recess in the middle of a pandemic? A 6’ Distancing Playground, the brainchild of award-winning educator and playground designer, Dr. Melinda [...]

School Recess Revival

School Recess Revival By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Mandating School Recess Revival   In recent years, an effort to pass laws mandating school recess for elementary school-age students has picked up steam largely as a result of parent advocates who believe school recess plays an [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:18:15-08:00June 30th, 2019|Featured Articles, Recess|0 Comments

Equity Matters in Education – Low income schools receive recess less often.

Equity Matters: Recess Equity matters in public education. When you do some searching you’ll find that there is a disparity between wealthy and low-income public schools who receive recess. According to the Center for Public Education, the more low-income a school the less recess they are likely to have. This statistic is both sad and [...]

By |2020-12-11T13:50:01-08:00October 11th, 2018|Recess, Resources|0 Comments

Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues

Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Discipline Alternatives to Withholding Recess I received this question from a parent, regarding her child's school, withholding recess for discipline reasons. "My child’s school has started using Peaceful Playgrounds and the children have [...]

By |2025-02-27T12:09:49-08:00September 21st, 2018|Featured Articles, playground, Recess|0 Comments

WA PTA Resolution in Support of Recess

Washington PTA: 11.27 Recess Advocacy – RECESS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Resolution passed 2018 Whereas, children’s physical fitness and children’s engagement in physical activity are associated with greater academic achievement and cognitive functioning, and increased physical activity during the school day does not adversely affect student academic achievement; and Whereas, elementary school children who have more [...]

By |2020-12-10T10:36:42-08:00September 5th, 2018|Recess|0 Comments

National PTA Resolution in Support of Recess

School Recess -Recess Advocacy Whereas, Children’s physical fitness and children’s engagement in physical activity are associated with greater academic achievement and cognitive functioning; andWhereas, Elementary school children who have more recess time have been found to have better classroom behavior; and Whereas, Recess is important for children’s socialization, school adjustment, and overall social development; and [...]

By |2020-12-09T15:43:52-08:00September 4th, 2018|Recess, Resources|0 Comments

Recess is Important according to a variety of experts and professional organizations.

Why kids need recess Why we need recess “Why kids need more recess, ” announced a second grader. The CDC, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree with him! When Catherine Ramstetter, who researches health promotion in schools, started studying recess nearly a decade ago. [...]

By |2022-11-02T17:40:52-07:00August 8th, 2018|BLOG, Recess|0 Comments

Recess Duty: Are you qualified?

By Justin Cahill The Benefits of Unstructured Recess FROM THE KEEPING KIDS IN MOTION BLOG I am a HUGE advocate for unstructured recess. I firmly believe a 30-minute recess should be a mandatory part of every child’s day.  Addition to a supplemental fifteen-minute brain break either earlier or later in the school day. As a [...]

By |2022-10-23T18:34:58-07:00June 20th, 2018|BLOG, Recess|0 Comments

SHAPE America and Peaceful Playgrounds Materials for Recess Advocacy

Take advantage of these two toolkits for promoting, organizing  and advocating for recess in schools. SHAPE America has some great materials for promoting recess in schools. Check out our Right to Recess Toolkit for additional materials to Advocate for Recess in Schools.

By |2018-05-31T11:20:28-07:00May 17th, 2018|Announcement, Recess|0 Comments

Peaceful Playgrounds Welcomes East Street Student Back to School

East Street School Returns to NEW Painted Playground Markings East Street staff and students are returning to school this year and they will be welcomed with a new, colorful, fun painted playground markings. The school is implementing the Peaceful Playgrounds Program. It is based on the concept that several well-marked, colorfully designed  markings  will [...]

Recess Articles

Articles on Improving Recess Improving Recess The 2014 School Health Policies and Practices Study by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 82.8 percent of elementary schools provided a daily recess for all grades indoors, while fewer than two-thirds of middle schools and only 26.5 percent of high [...]

By |2022-11-16T21:22:01-08:00August 10th, 2016|Recess, Resources|0 Comments

Recess isn’t just play time for children it’s time well spent

Recess is Time Well Spent By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Recess is Time Well Spent School recess holds a special place in the heart of the American public school student, according to the editorial in today's Concord Monitor. To a child "recess is time well [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:22:54-08:00September 23rd, 2014|Featured Articles, Recess|0 Comments

Why School Recess Makes Kids Smarter

Recess Makes Kids Smarter By Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D., The Recess Doctor We Now Know Why Recess Makes Kids Smarter   Kids love recess. But until recently, we didn't know why recess makes kids smarter. According to a second grader, Allison Rincand, her favorite activity at school, “Recess because [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:20:54-08:00December 30th, 2013|Featured Articles, Recess|1 Comment

Playground Stencil Packages

  The playground stencil packages come with roll-out stencils which make application a breeze. No measuring! Just roll-out the full-size playground stencils, chalk, and paint. Brightly colored markings enhance motor skill development and provide activities for an outdoor motor learning lab or recess games.  The playground stencil package results in a brightly colored playground with lots [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:10:00-07:00March 13th, 2013|featured posts, PE, Recess|0 Comments