Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit

Grades Preschool-8th Recess Program

The Recess Program that Works!

Are you tired of playground arguments and confrontations? Post recess discipline issues steal away a principal’s time and classroom teaching opportunities. Principals across the nation have turned to Peaceful Playgrounds Program for over 27 years to solve these problems. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program is in over 10,000 schools across the nation for elementary school painted playgrounds, which attests to its effectiveness in solving problems like bullying, playground arguments, and playground confrontations. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program is an inexpensive physical activity program that improves recess and overall school climate in before, during and after-school programs. Best of ALL children love the colorful transformation provided by the 100 NEW games and activity choices on the playground.

Tired of playground arguments and confrontations?The Peaceful Playgrounds Program is an inexpensive physical activity program that improves recess and overall school climate in before, during and after-school programs. Best of ALL children love the colorful transformation provided by the 100 NEW games and activity choices on the playground.

You can’t go wrong with a popular elementary school playground design since 1998.

Principals love it, because less conflict on the playground means they get to focus on the work that matters.

Playground Supervisors love it because there’s less tattling on the playground, (which drove them crazy and led to high turnover of supervisors in schools.)

Kids love it because they have a fun colorful playground with over 100 games and activities to choose from.

peaceful playgrounds kit

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit

Peaceful Playground Program Kit, Equipment Companion Package, Recess Roll Out Stencils, Instructional Games DVD Series, School Set Activity Guides, Stripping Machine, and Yellow Outlining Paint, (Adding color to game markings is optional and an additional purchase). Site License, Staff Webinar, and more…. Considered the standard in K-6 playground design.

“We recommend that you do not schedule a paint day until you receive all the materials at the school site or center. ”

The recess program has made a significant difference in the decline of student referrals to the office. The children are playing cooperatively instead of competitively. The children who used to be reluctant to join in the fun at recess are now playing. It’s been fun for the staff to learn how to play the games as well. We are very excited about this program.

Sandy Emerson – Oak Terrace Elementary 

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Kit

Add 100 Permanent Games and Activities and Transform Playground

The Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit is everything you need to create and implement a Peaceful Playground at your school, church, or park. Each of the 4 Blueprints and Activity Guides assists you with measurements, layout, spacing, game placement, and overall design. Also included are conflict resolution strategies, teacher training, and playground supervisor training materials to complete the package and ensure success! Set up is easy and can be done by members of the school staff and parents. Paint your elementary school playground today!

Conflict Resolution – Rules – Equipment – Expectations – Designs

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit Includes

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit Includes a wide range of games, equipment & stencils such as:

blueprint and painting playground

1. Complete Playground Blueprints

The blueprints are age-appropriate and ensure that appropriate game activities are available to all children. There are 4 Playground Blueprints included:

Alphabet Grid / Midline Jumping / Crossover Walking / Skipping Track / Multi-Use Circle – Pinball / Multi-Use Circle – Name Ball / Multi-Use Circle – Scramble / Balance Beam / Hopscotch
Ball Hopscotch / Frog in the Sea / Tetherball / Freeze-Out / Multi-Use Circle – Hit the Bucket / Multi-Use Circle – Name Ball / Number Grid / Four Square / Bean Bag Four Square / Multi-Use Circle – Four Corners / Bean Bag Target Toss / Alphabet Track

Around the World – Backup – Basketball – Bounce Ball – Box Ball – Four Corners – Four Square – Handball – Jolly Ball – Long Ball – Newcomb – Pickle – Prisoner – Sideline Basketball – Shuffleboard – Team Four Square – Tetherball – Twenty-One – Volleyball – Volley Tennis

Field Markings (1-6)

Soccer field – line soccer, endline soccer modified soccer and sideline soccer, Football field – touch football, touch down, snatch it. Softball – work-up softball, throw it and run softball, rounders beat-the-ball, home run, one base kickball. Running Lanes. Chasing and fleeing games – couples tag, crossover, crows and cranes, hill dill and man from mars.

Each Blueprint lists suggestions for painting, placement, and recommended game markings for your asphalt playground layout. The Field Marking Blueprint has suggestions for your turf layouts. The Blueprints have companion rules guides that emphasize the five components of a Peaceful Playground and offer the specific rules, activities, for the game markings found in the Blueprint.

2. Playground Activity Guides

There are 4 Companion Peaceful Playground Activities Guides included for teachers and playground supervisor staff. Our latest guides now include Play Nice Parent Pages, playground behavior forms, equipment check-out forms, playground safety rules posters, student injury forms, and much more! The Activity Guides provide a consistent set of rules for each game and give a program overview as well as playground report forms and equipment lists. Good Sportsmanship Certificates and reward coupons are also found in the guide. Equipment suggestions will help with the planning and the overall organization of the Peaceful Playground Program. You will receive a school set of activity guides.

Preschool and Kindergarten

Alphabet Grid – Balance Beam Snake – Crossover Walk – Directionality Box – Jumping Grid – LeapFrog – Midline Jumping – Multi-use Circle – Scattered Circles – Shape Grid – Stepping Stones with Letters – Tricycle Track – Zig Zag Footprints

Primary Grades K-3

Alphabet Track – Alphabet Grid – Ball Hop Scotch – Bean Bag Four Square – Bean Bag Toss – Cross-Over Walking Grid – Freeze-Out Court – Four Corners Court – Four Square Court – Galloping Track – Hit the Stick Court – Hop Scotch – Mid-Line Jumping Grid – Multi-Use Circle – Multi-Use Square – Number Grid – Scattered Circles – Skipping Track – Tether Ball Court

Upper Elementary Grades 3-6

Around the World – Backup – Basketball – Bounce Ball – Box Ball – Four Corners – Four Square – Handball – Jolly Ball – Long Ball – Newcomb – Pickle – Prisoner – Sideline Basketball – Shuffleboard – Team Four Square – Tetherball – Twenty-One – Volleyball – Volley Tennis

Field Activities Grades 1-6

Beat the Ball – Couples Tag – Cross Over – Crows and Cranes – Endline Soccer – Frisbee Golf – Hill Dill – Home Run – Line Soccer – Man from Mars – Modified Soccer – One Base Kickball – Rounders – Sideline Soccer – Snatch It – Softball – Throw it and Run Softball – Touch Down – Touch Football – Work-Up Softball

Companion Equipment Pack- Full

3. Companion Equipment Pack

A comprehensive set of playground equipment that will help you maximize your Peaceful Playground. This equipment pack is a companion product to implement the dozens of games and activities outlined in the Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit. This Playground Equipment Companion Package is all the equipment you’ll need to fully implement the Peaceful Playgrounds Program at your school.

Playground Equipment Pack Contents:

2 Balls Tetherballs
2 Balls Kick Balls (Soccer Balls)
1 Ball Pump
12 MSNED Ball Pump Needles (6pc sets)
6 Balls Plastic Softballs
6 Scoop Ball Sets
2 Sets Throw Down Bases (5pc each sets)
24 5″ Nylon Bean Bags
12 Ropes 8’ Nylon Jump Ropes
12 Ropes 10’ Nylon Jump Ropes
6 Discs Flying Frisbee Discs
6 balls Jr. Footballs (set of 6 colors)
6 bags Mesh bags (set of 6 colors)
6 balls Size 4 Soccer ball (set of 6 colors)
6 balls Poly Playground Balls (set of 6 colors)
6 cones Game Cones Sets
6 balls Jr Basketballs (set of 6 colors)
6 balls Volleyballs (set of 6 colors)

4. Recess Stencil Set

The new rollout stencils make application a breeze. No measuring! Just roll out the full-size activity stencils, chalk, and paint. Two easy-to-apply sets to choose from. Brightly colored markings enhance motor skill development and provide activities for an outdoor motor learning lab. Recess Set includes 6 of the most popular recess game markings – Multi-use Circle, Hopscotch, Ball Hopscotch, Ball Target, Number Line, and Foursquare. All stencils arrive complete with full game rules and lots of activity suggestions.

To assist you with the time-consuming detail work of painting the playground, stencils are included in the program kit. The complete set of 41 durable plastic stencils includes:
– Letter Set (A-Z)
– Number Set (0-9)
– Shape Set (Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle)
– Feet Grid (1 Piece with 2 Feet)
Detail stencils are made of plastic and are appropriate for use at one school site. They are approximately 8” x 12” high in size when cutting out.

Recess Stencil Sets
*Please note- You will get the 6 paper full-size roll-out stencils to get you started with laying out the playground. You also receive 42 plastic “detail” stencils for the letters, numbers, feet, and shapes. The other games are measured out using the blueprints.

When it’s time to refresh your playground paint, you don’t need a new stencil, you just paint over the lines that are painted.

5. Instructional Playground Games DVD Series. (QR Codes Scan Sheets)

Now it is easier than ever to spread the power of the Peaceful Playgrounds Program! A ground-breaking set of three QR Code Sheets of Game Demonstrations and three accompanying Rules Guides are now available, that can be used by teachers and students alike, to easily learn how many exciting and constructive playground games are played! Learn how to create a playground that really works!

3 DVD Set (QR codes Scan Sheets) with Activity Guides

More than 25 elementary playground games and activities were delivered in an instructional “how to play” format. Violations are also demonstrated and taught. Each Games DVD comes with a companion rules guide that emphasizes the five components of a Peaceful Playground. The DVDs (QR Codes) offer specific rules and activities for the game markings. Enjoy our games DVD’s (QR Codes) which show 25 playground games actually filmed being played by real students. The 3 DVD set (QR Codes) includes games for Pre-school and Kindergarten, Primary Grades 1-3 & Upper Elementary Grades 4-6. These are games students will love, like Frog in the Sea, Scramble, Freeze-Out, Number & Alphabet Grids, Four Square, and much more!

Pre-School Kindergarten Games

Primary Grades K-3 Games

Upper Elementary Grades
3-6 Playground Games

6. Peaceful Playgrounds Workshop Materials

*Updated in 2024* To ensure success, every staff member should be thoroughly familiar with all five components of a Peaceful Playground. A Peaceful Playground Program DVD is included to assist you with staff and student training. As well as an instructional games CD with implementation guide, power point presentation and other printables.

*Available digitally via QR code also.

7. Striping Machine & Paint.

Our paint machine can be used on asphalt, cement, and grass areas. The coordinated machine and paintwork together to provide crisp, clean lines and bold marks quickly and professionally.

This high-quality paint striping machine features 7″ wheels to provide a smooth ride on hard surfaces, such as concrete and blacktop. Engineered and designed for easy operation and durability.

-18-gauge all-steel construction
– 6-cans WHITE paint ONLY (color paint is available through third party vendors and is at the discretion of the school/customer)
– Stripes widths of 2″ to 4″

8. Staff Webinar – How to have a Peaceful Playground

A Peaceful Playground? Sound Impossible? It’s not. With a few proven strategies, we’ll show you how to reduce bullying, and reduce playground conflicts, resulting in happy students and a thankful staff. Our research indicates that 5 situations contribute to 95% of all problems on typical elementary school playgrounds. In this fast-paced webinar, we’ll share those problem situations and our proven strategies for turning your playground into a “peaceful place for fun and games.

Research on the Peaceful Playgrounds Program found that it REDUCES bullying, visits to the school nurse,  visits to the principal’s office, and playground injuries while INCREASING the number of physically active children.  The Peaceful Playgrounds Program is an inexpensive way to improve recess and overall school climate before, during, and in after-school programs.  Best of ALL children love the colorful transformation provided by the 100 NEW games and activity choices on the playground.

All components are included with the Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit. Research indicates that the more components you implement the better the results.

9. Peaceful Playgrounds Site License

The contents of the Peaceful Playgrounds Program are protected by trademark and copyright laws. All documents and materials in the program kits are licensed for use at a single school site only. Materials must be purchased for each physical address where they are to be used.

Peaceful Playgrounds Schools

Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program

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Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program

District Rate Discounts for 5+ schools. 

Contact the office for rates. 

Peaceful Playgrounds Program Kit

With the Peaceful Playgrounds Program kit you can design permanent playground activities that help make activity time more positive and productive: alphabet and number grids, hopping and skipping lines, and multi-use circles and squares are just a few of the nearly 100 game activities that can be permanently painted on the playground. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program kit is intended to maximize the number of students involved in physical activity, rather than having them wait in line, or just stand around talking. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program is a nationally recognized and award-winning physical activity program touching nearly 2 million children annually.

What People Say About Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Kit

Tips for Painting the Playground

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