Playground Supervision Resources

By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer

Dr. Bossenmeyer is a playground supervision expert witness . She is a national trainer on playground supervision and has a course on Playground Supervision and a book entitled, Playground Supervision : A how to guide for playground supervisors.

Playground supervision plays a critical role in keeping all kids safe at school. Yet, only a small number of playground supervisors receive any training on their roles and responsibilities. It is not uncommon as a result of the lack of training injuries occur. But proactive supervision and planning can reduce the likelihood of an injury that results in the threat of a lawsuit because of inadequate playground supervision.

Generally speaking, lawsuits against schools or providers arise from an accusation that playground supervision was deficient, and because of those deficiencies, a child was unnecessarily injured. The phrase lawyers use when talking about playground supervision is “negligence” because of a violation of the duty of care to keep children safe.

Playground Supervision
Online training course options flyer

Playground Supervision Course

Playground Supervision Training and Certification Online

A school’s best defense in court is a well-trained supervisor. Annual training for Playground Supervisors should occur in order to ensure student safety. Our Playground Supervisor Training and Certification is convenient and cost-effective. We offer this course online. The Peaceful Playgrounds Online Playground Supervisor Training and Certification are designed to introduce administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, physical educators, parents, after-school personnel, and playground supervisors to the responsibilities and techniques associated with keeping children safe on a playground.

This online course will serve as a certified professional development experience. This course details playground surfacing, play structure

School Nurse

A must have for all elementary schools that have recess supervisors or aides. Shares the fundamental tools to ensure a safe and friendly playground! – Barbara Miller, IL

PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION: A How-To Guide For Playground Supervisors

The book will include:

Chapter 1 includes Featured Articles on Playground Supervision Reduces Injuries, People Make a Difference on the Playground, Playground Supervision Accident or Injury, The Effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on Injuries and Playgrounds Can Be Safe: Injury Reduction.

Chapter 2 includes Tip Sheets for playground supervisors to take to the playground or to hand out to playground supervisors at the beginning of the school year: Playground Supervisors Tip Sheet, Ten Tips for Improving Playground Supervision, Tips and Techniques for Supervising the Playground, How to Respond to Discipline Issues on the Playground, and a sheet of Playground Supervisor’s Instructions.

Chapter 3 consists of forms that may be helpful in supervising the playground including Equipment Checkout Form, Playground Behavior Reports, and a Public Playground Safety Checklist, and an article on Handling Emergencies on the Playground.

Chapter 4: Guides consists of various guides for the playground including A Playground Supervisor’s Guide and information on download two free guides 1) Dirty Dozen Playground Injuries and the Playground Safety Handbook from the CPSC.

Principal Cherie McComb said,

My Paraprofessionals just completed the training provided by Peaceful Playgrounds. We found the information comprehensive and helpful. The training helped to allow all the Paraprofessionals to fully understand the way to supervise the playground and bring continuity to all three recess periods. – Cherie McComb, Principal

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