Playground Supervision Resources
By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer
Dr. Bossenmeyer is a playground supervision expert witness . She is a national trainer on playground supervision and has a course on Playground Supervision and a book entitled, Playground Supervision : A how to guide for playground supervisors.
Playground supervision plays a critical role in keeping all kids safe at school. Yet, only a small number of playground supervisors receive any training on their roles and responsibilities. It is not uncommon as a result of the lack of training injuries occur. But proactive supervision and planning can reduce the likelihood of an injury that results in the threat of a lawsuit because of inadequate playground supervision.
Generally speaking, lawsuits against schools or providers arise from an accusation that playground supervision was deficient, and because of those deficiencies, a child was unnecessarily injured. The phrase lawyers use when talking about playground supervision is “negligence” because of a violation of the duty of care to keep children safe.

Playground Supervision Course
Playground Supervision Training and Certification Online
A school’s best defense in court is a well-trained supervisor. Annual training for Playground Supervisors should occur in order to ensure student safety. Our Playground Supervisor Training and Certification is convenient and cost-effective. We offer this course online. The Peaceful Playgrounds Online Playground Supervisor Training and Certification are designed to introduce administrators, teachers, substitute teachers, physical educators, parents, after-school personnel, and playground supervisors to the responsibilities and techniques associated with keeping children safe on a playground.
This online course will serve as a certified professional development experience. This course details playground surfacing, play structure
School Nurse
A must have for all elementary schools that have recess supervisors or aides. Shares the fundamental tools to ensure a safe and friendly playground! – Barbara Miller, IL
PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION: A How-To Guide For Playground Supervisors
The book will include:
Chapter 1 includes Featured Articles on Playground Supervision Reduces Injuries, People Make a Difference on the Playground, Playground Supervision Accident or Injury, The Effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on Injuries and Playgrounds Can Be Safe: Injury Reduction.
Chapter 2 includes Tip Sheets for playground supervisors to take to the playground or to hand out to playground supervisors at the beginning of the school year: Playground Supervisors Tip Sheet, Ten Tips for Improving Playground Supervision, Tips and Techniques for Supervising the Playground, How to Respond to Discipline Issues on the Playground, and a sheet of Playground Supervisor’s Instructions.
Chapter 3 consists of forms that may be helpful in supervising the playground including Equipment Checkout Form, Playground Behavior Reports, and a Public Playground Safety Checklist, and an article on Handling Emergencies on the Playground.
Chapter 4: Guides consists of various guides for the playground including A Playground Supervisor’s Guide and information on download two free guides 1) Dirty Dozen Playground Injuries and the Playground Safety Handbook from the CPSC.