How to Have a Peaceful Playground Training


A Peaceful Playground? Sound Impossible? It’s not. With a few proven strategies we’ll show you how to reduce bullying, and reduce playground conflicts, resulting in happy students and a thankful staff.

Our research indicates that 5 situations contribute to 95% of all problems on typical elementary school playgrounds. In this fast paced webinar we’ll share those problem situations and our proven strategies for turning your playground into a “peaceful place for fun and games.”

Note: We will need 24 hours notice to register schools.


How to Have a Peaceful Playground Peaceful Playgrounds TrainingTraining

A Peaceful Playground? Sound Impossible? It’s not. With our How to Have a Peaceful Playground Training we’ll show you how to reduce bullying, and reduce playground conflicts, resulting in happy students and a thankful staff.

Our research indicates that 5 situations contribute to 95% of all problems on typical elementary school playgrounds. In this fast paced webinar we’ll share those problem situations and our proven strategies for turning your playground into a “peaceful place for fun and games.”  Learn more about the Recess Program Training

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