Peaceful Playground Teaches Social Skills

 November 2008 By Christina Styan The Standard-Times - Dartmouth, MA Outside the Quinn Elementary School, on the Second Step Peaceful Playground, kids learn social skills like respect. Inside, as part of "Mix It Up Day for Lunch" kids learn to make new friends. For the youngsters, it seems to be the perfect combination. The money [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:00-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Twin Peaks Students add Age Appropriate Games

Age appropriate elementary school playground games are painted onto existing playground surface. January 2009 By Chuck Barth Marana Weekly News - Tucson, AZ Twin Peaks school playground showcases age appropriate games and markings from Peaceful Playgrounds. The paved surfaces of Twin Peaks Elementary School's playground have been painted bright colors and shapes. [...]