Peaceful Playgrounds Programs reduce playground confrontations and arguments
Reducing playground confrontations can make recess more enjoyable. Children spend many hours of their day occupying themselves with what the playground has to offer and have little control over the recess environment.
The nearby neighborhood may enjoy both its appearance and its utility of the school playground.
Well marked game activities provide increased motivation for children to enter into an activity and become engaged in purposeful play, thus cutting down on school recess and playground confrontations.
Office disciplinary referrals are drastically reduced on a colorfully marked playground.
Increase Motor Skills
When color is added to game markings, it not only is aesthetically appealing but allows for academic learning opportunities as well. Game markings should be developmentally appropriate according to the age and motor skill abilities of the children.
Appropriate blueprints for painting blacktop spaces are available in the following age groups: Preschool/Kindergarten, Primary (K-3), and Upper Elementary (grades 3-6). A blueprint for suggested turf designs is also available for grades 1-6.
Dramatic Injury Reductions and Confrontations
The Peaceful Playgrounds Program distributes students evenly throughout the playing area and fields. With colorful markings and plenty of equipment, the objective is to engage the maximum number of students in healthy, often educational, purposeful play thus reducing playground confrontations.
Recent studies have shown decreases of over 80% in serious playground injuries after implementing the program. Office referrals have been reduced up to 86%.
“Another brilliant piece to the puzzle is the Peaceful Playground lessons for kids about dealing with playground confrontations – because knowing how to play hard AND nice is at the core of everyone going home happy.” – Iconoculture
Community Involvement
Community members and parent groups such as PTA, PTO high school leadership groups, and Boy/Girl Scout Organizations are often looking for service projects for the community. The Peaceful Playground Program has packaged the materials and necessary supplies for creating a fun-filled “Peaceful Playground” at a reasonable cost.
Maximize Playground Efficiency
When the Principal of Pioneer Elementary in Escondido realized that with a playground of less than 4 acres for a student population of over 1,000 students something needed to be done to maximize the time the students spent on the playground. She turned to Peaceful Playgrounds for the solution.
“Now our students have structured games to engage in and it allows them to learn skills that they would not otherwise have the opportunity to learn. It has reduced the number of discipline problems and playground confrontations.”
What is Peaceful Playground?
We are so lucky here at Solana Vista to have the Peaceful Playground Program! It is grant-funded and was implemented in January, 2012. Our blacktops went through a drastic transformation and the end result was a colorful and inviting playground that provides our students with many options during recess and lunch periods. Peaceful Playground reduces playground confrontations, promotes fair play and builds good sportsmanship. Some of the games available include pickle, foursquare, tetherball, shuffle board, alphabet and number grids, hopping and skipping lines, multi-use circles and squares, and other 100+ other games. It is designed to maximize the number of students involved in physical activity, rather than having them wait in lines or sitting out.
For more information on Peaceful Playground, please visit .