Playing Nice Just Got a Little Easier

December 2009 By Tracy Garcia Whittier Daily News - Whittier, CA Playing nice just got a little easier for students at Nelson Elementary School. And it's due in great part to the elbow grease of dozens of parents, staffers and kids who gave up their free time last weekend to help set up the campus' [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:02-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Program Levels Playground Playing Field with Elementary School Recess Games

 New Recess Games Solve Conflicts December 2009 By Travis Perry The Graphic - Osawatomie, KS When most parents think back to memories of elementary school recess games and the politics of the playground, recess time probably is not remembered as a democratic experience. Not everyone was picked to play on a team for recess games, [...]

Neighborhood School to Unveil Peaceful Playground Thanks to Playground Grant

By News Service Univ. of St. Thomas - St. Paul, MN St. Mark’s School, a Catholic school located near the University of St. Thomas’ St. Paul campus, will unveil a new “Peaceful Playground” this week, thanks to a playground grant it received from St. Thomas’ 2010 Gibney Awards. The Gibney Awards, selected by students in UST’s [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:02-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Conflict Resolution & Physical Activity Drive Outdoor Activities on Playground

  July 2010 By Mary Spicer Tribune - Meadville, PA It’s summertime, when the livin’ is supposed to be easy. With the midpoint of the summer vacation season rapidly approaching; however, easy has a way of slipping over the border into boring, especially for those not quite old enough to independently head off in search [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:03-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

New Games Help Students Keep the Peace During Recess

August 2010 By Tara Hettinger Tribune - Jeffersonville, IN Some stenciled paint on the ground coupled with balls, bean bags and other accessories are helping students keep the peace on the playground at Riverside Elementary School. It’s all a part of Peaceful Playgrounds, where schools pay to get the blueprints and activity guides. “Before it [...]

School Bell: Time to Play Recess Games

August 2010 By Trine Gallegos Contra Costa Times - Antioch, CA Peaceful Playgrounds expands the playing area with vibrant, strategically spaced markings creating a cheerful amusement-park look. When Belshaw Elementary students hit the pavement at recess last week, they were treated to a slew of new fun and new recess games. It's all [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:03-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

What is Happening to School Recess?

September 2010 By Blake Taylor, MAED Lawrence Lions Physical Education Lawrence Elementary School - Wichita, KS Students at Lawrence Elementary School recess. Take a minute to think back to your childhood school days and, more precisely, the part called school recess. What do you remember about it? I would guess that you recall [...]

Peaceful Playground at South Elementary Curbs Playground Problems

St. Peter Herald - St Peter, MN Many St. Peter Public School and parochial school students will return to the classroom on Sept. 7 for the start of the school year with a new kind of playground. What this new year will bring is anyone’s guess, but teachers and staff at South Elementary Early Learning [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:03-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Peaceful Playground painted at Yulee School for Physical Education Classes

Peaceful Playground painted at Yulee School - September 2010 News Leader - Yulee, FL "Peaceful Playgrounds will provide our students with wonderful age appropriate activities during their physical education time." "It's fun for parents, teachers as well as the students and we look forward to the Peace Playground kick-off involving the community this Friday," said Yulee [...]

Advent Lutheran School Achieves Peace on Playground

 Peaceful Playgrounds gets kids active and  childhood obesity intervention September 2010 Tribune - Boca Raton, FL Given the jungle rules of some playgrounds, where the biggest and toughest tend to dominate, consider the scene recently at Advent Lutheran School. A recess came and went, with children running loose during a sublime afternoon, and nobody cried, [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:03-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Education Changes Brings Outdoor classroom

  October 2010 Pioneer Press - Elmhurst, IL Computers and the Internet are changing the way many children learn, but one part of the school day that has remained fairly consistent is recess. "We all need fresh air and exercise to rejuvenate us," said Melinda McMahon, principal of Madison School in Hinsdale. Call them "brain [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:04-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Bringing Peaceful Play to the Elementary School Playground

Miami County Republic Paola, KS October 2010 The kindergartners’ eyes grow big as they walk through the door at Cottonwood Elementary in Paola on Tuesday and catch sight of their colorful new playground. Cottonwood Elementary School kindergartner Shelia Kreusch enjoys the playground’s new colorful hopscotch design during recess Tuesday afternoon. After lining up along a [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:04-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

New Playground Program Tackles Bullying and Childhood Obesity

Playground program tackles bullying and childhood obesity October 2010 Opinion - Miami County Republic - Paola, KS Two of the biggest issues facing youths these days are childhood obesity and bullying, and Cottonwood Elementary School in Paola is about to institute a program that could help tackle both problems. Thanks to an impressive stretch of [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:04-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Peace spreads on playgrounds around Marana as kids learn to solve problems.

Schools throughout district utilize program that encourages problem solving and play Most people don't think "conflict resolution" when looking back on their childhood playground experiences, but students in several Marana Unified School District Schools might end up doing just that. Peaceful Playgrounds is a series of age-appropriate games and learning activities that are painted onto [...]

The Case for School Recess

Why School RECESS Really Matters Parenting School Years Magazine November 2010 We've all heard of "the three R's": reading, writing, and arithmetic. The latest issue of Parenting School Years magazine is making a case for a fourth: School RECESS! No, your kid didn't put anyone up to it. More and more educators and their higher-ups [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:11:04-07:00January 2nd, 2013|Magazines, News and Media|0 Comments