Physical Activity and Academics
The Most Complete Physical Activity and Academics Article Database
The evidence surrounding the link between physical activity, physical fitness and academics is growing stronger and more abundant. This page of articles, research students and information on the brain and academic improvements serves to document this connect.

A Study of the Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academics Achievement in California 2004
Download- 2004 CA Study Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness

Physical Activity and Academic Achievement – CDC Podcast
This podcast highlights the evidence that supports the link between physical activity and improved academic achievement. It also identifies a few actions to support a comprehensive school physical activity program to improve academic achievement.
CDC Podcast Physical Activity and Improved Academic Achievement

New Evidence: What better academic results? Focus on increasing physical activity.
“Evidence has suggested that short bouts of physical activity (i.e., 20 minutes of walking on a treadmill) lead to positive changes in brain function, cognition/attention, and academic performance on achievement tests of math and reading,” says Professor Charles Hillman, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, the lead author on the story that appeared on Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. PHIT America

New Evidence: What better academic results? Focus on increasing physical activity.
“Evidence has suggested that short bouts of physical activity (i.e., 20 minutes of walking on a treadmill) lead to positive changes in brain function, cognition/attention, and academic performance on achievement tests of math and reading,” says Professor Charles Hillman, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, the lead author on the story that appeared on Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. PHIT America
Download- For Better Academic Results Focus on Academic Results

Active Living Research Report
Active Education: Growing evidence on physical activity and academic performance.

Benefits of Physical Activity Infographic
CDC – Benefits of School Based Physical Activity Infographic
Download- Benefits of School Based Physical Activity Infographic

Physical Activity and the Brain – Featured Article Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer

Physical Activity/Fitness linked to improved reading skills in children

Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Third-Fifth Grade Students
“When children and adolescents participate in the recommended level of physical activity—at least 60 minutes daily—multiple health benefits accrue.”
PE Results: “Eleven of the 14 studies found one or more positive associations between school-based physical education and indicators of academic performance; the remaining three studies found no significant associations.”
Recess Results: “All eight studies found one or more positive associations between recess and indicators of cognitive skills, attitudes, and academic behavior; none of the studies found negative associations.”
Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in 3rd and 5th Grade

The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, including Physical Education, and Academic Performance
“When children and adolescents participate in the recommended level of physical activity—at least 60 minutes daily—multiple health benefits accrue.”
PE Results: “Eleven of the 14 studies found one or more positive associations between school-based physical education and indicators of academic performance; the remaining three studies found no significant associations.”
Recess Results: “All eight studies found one or more positive associations between recess and indicators of cognitive skills, attitudes, and academic behavior; none of the studies found negative associations.”

Active Education: Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Academic Performance ALR
1. “Sacrificing physical education time for classroom time does not improve instruction.”
2. Kids who are more physically active tend to perform better academically.
3. Kids who are physically fit are likely to have stronger academic performance and
4. Activity Breaks can improve cognitive performance and classroom behavior.

Health and Academic Achievement
Document’s core messages include 1. Healthy students are better learners, 2. Schools can influence eating and physical activity behaviors, 3. Healthy, successful students help build strong communities, and All students deserve the opportunity to be healthy and successful. CDC

Effect of Physical Education and Activity Levels on Academic Achievement in Children.
Effect of Physical Education and Activity Levels on Academic Achievement in Children.
American College of Sports Medicine.

Mind and Body: New Research Ties Physical Activity and Fitness to Academic Success.
Vail, Kathleen National School Board Journal March 2006.

Fit Kids Finish First in the Classroom.
Coe , Pivarnik , Womack , Reeves, & Malina. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness December 2012.

Is There a Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement? Positive Results From Public School Children in the Northeastern United
Trudeau & Shephard. 2009 Journal of Health
Relationship between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement Northeasten US.