Peaceful Playground Unveiled At Pfeiffer-Burleigh Agencies in Erie County put in Peaceful Playground for Pfeiffer-Burleigh Elementary. Photo by R Frank Media A Peaceful Playground is a safe play environment that enhances learning, prevents bullying and allows schools to add 100 games and markings to their playground. The Peaceful Playgrounds Program identified five solutions to 5 [...]

By |2022-10-23T16:14:53-07:00January 4th, 2022|News and Media, Newspapers Articles|Comments Off on Peaceful Playground Unveiled At Pfeiffer-Burleigh

Why School Recess Makes Kids Smarter

Recess Makes Kids Smarter By Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D., The Recess Doctor We Now Know Why Recess Makes Kids Smarter   Kids love recess. But until recently, we didn't know why recess makes kids smarter. According to a second grader, Allison Rincand, her favorite activity at school, “Recess because [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:20:54-08:00December 30th, 2013|Featured Articles, Recess|1 Comment

High Energy Fitness Fun Zone for Schools and Students

Fitness Fun Zone Murrieta, CA by Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D. I stumbled upon an article entitled, “How to get fit at home in 20 minutes a day.” Clearly, it sounds doable unless, of course, you have a fitness phobia. I wondered what those 20 minutes would look like and I found a rather ‘old [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:09:59-07:00June 14th, 2013|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Paint Day Resources

Paint Machine and Paint The easiest way to paint school playground elementary school playground markings is with a Striping Machine. This is available with 6 cans of white stripers spray paint, for outlining all the game courts. We sell only white commercial contractors' quality striping paint. Detail work is rolled on and we recommend [...]

By |2025-03-27T00:21:13-07:00January 30th, 2013|Resources|0 Comments

Bringing Peace to the School Playground

Redlands Daily Facts August 2004 Students play on school playground new target games. In 1973, an idea struck Los Angeles educator Melinda Bossenmeyer after years of being a teacher and a principal within the Riverside County Department of Education. "I noticed that some kids didn't have many of the skills necessary to [...]