Preventing Bullying: A Manual for Schools and Communities
California Department of Education. The manual reviews bullying model programs and include a teacher’s guide and make reference to bullying videos, and bullying books for children.

Bullying Prevention Online Course for Teachers
The Bullying Prevention for Teachers online course is designed to meet state bullying prevention training requirements for school staff. The course will: 1. define bullying as prescribed by law, 2. give an overview of state legislative requirements,3. provide teacher and staff training on responding to bullying and 4. will give guidance to the district, school, and staff responsibilities as defined by legislation.

Bullying Theme: Education World (October 2010)
Education World Website looks at the issue of Bullying and How to Stop It. The site includes lessons, students wrote books, Teaching Tolerance information, Teaching Citizenship Five Activities, Students Stand Tall Against bullying and numerous other resources. http://www.educationworld.com/a_special/bully.shtml

Bullying Prevention: Life Lessons on Good and Evil
Download Article: Bullying Prevention: Life’s Lessons on Good and Evil

Bullying Prevention I Spy Activity
You might also be interested in our Bullying Prevention I Spy Activity.

Bullying Prevention Fortune Teller
You might also be interested in our free download of a Bullying Prevention Fortune Teller Game.

Bullying Prevention Posters
You might also be interested in our Bullying Prevention for Teachers Online Training Course.

What is Bullying? A Powerpoint Presentation
This presentation includes what to do if bullied. Developed by a sixth-grade student. Bullying Prevention Presentation.

Bullying: A Guide for Educators
Bullying: What Educators Can Do About It is a resource developed for the elementary school teacher. It includes activities and tips to prevent or stop bullying.

School Climate Questionnaire: Teaching Tolerance
This simple one-page questionnaire can be used by schools to evaluate teacher and student perceptions about school safety, or as part of a larger school-climate assessment that also includes interviews, focus groups, and other tools. It also can be adapted for use with parents.
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