A series of articles on children’s health topics such as physical activity, bullying, school playgrounds, school recess, nutrition, PE, childhood obesity, and play.

Assessing Physical Activity

Assessing physical activity provides the opportunity to measure general health and well being. Download the variety of tools for assessing physical activity on this page. Physical Activity assessments are numerous and needed to indicate the effectiveness of interventions or programs. The list below was originally compiled for Physical Education for Progress [...]

By |2025-03-18T22:37:15-07:00October 31st, 2024|Featured Articles|Comments Off on Assessing Physical Activity

CAN Health & Wellness Newsletter – Centering Healing in Schools

CAN Health and Wellness Newsletter – Centering Healing in Schools Health and wellness ideas in the classroom September 28, 2021 Welcome to CAN’s second installment of our revamped Health and Wellness Newsletter! We will continue to share content surrounding the Whole Child Health and Wellness Vision and initiative.    The Health and Wellness Action Team, as [...]

By |2022-11-04T16:14:35-07:00September 28th, 2021|Featured Articles|Comments Off on CAN Health & Wellness Newsletter – Centering Healing in Schools

New Fitness FunZone Court Tackles Childhood Obesity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 21, 2012 Contact: Melinda Bossenmeyer Ph 951-245-6970 New Fitness FunZone Court Tackles Childhood Obesity   Corona, CA - The Fitness FunZone™, a joint project developed by Sandy "Spin" Slade, Founder of Skillastics® and Melinda Bossenmeyer, Ed.D., Founder of Peaceful Playgrounds® is now available. This highly anticipated product is a one-of-a-kind evidence-based [...]

By |2021-07-06T13:17:56-07:00July 6th, 2021|Featured Articles|Comments Off on New Fitness FunZone Court Tackles Childhood Obesity

Physical Education violations cited in U. S. Department of Education Civil Rights Filing

Published on 8/18/15 8:47 AM on Blogger Unequal Access to Physical Education Complaint Filed Six California organizations filed an administrative complaint. The complaint alleges that students are receiving unequal access to physical education opportunities if they are minority and low income students in California. The complaint suggests that unequal access to physical education instruction [...]

By |2022-10-23T23:18:24-07:00July 6th, 2021|Featured Articles, PE|Comments Off on Physical Education violations cited in U. S. Department of Education Civil Rights Filing

Recess Solutions: How to Offer a Safe Recess During a Pandemic

August 24, 2020·3 min read WEBB CITY, Miss., Aug. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Schools across the nation are returning to classrooms, lunchrooms and playgrounds to find that much has changed since school closed in March. One of the most challenging environments, the playground, children's favorite activity at school, can still be a safe place to [...]

By |2021-04-14T13:49:44-07:00April 14th, 2021|Featured Articles|Comments Off on Recess Solutions: How to Offer a Safe Recess During a Pandemic

Returning to school has one new rule: No sharing

Webb City, Missouri: As the President commits to getting children back to school this spring, children will once again experience the joys of recess with one caveat – No sharing.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations, the sharing of playground equipment in particular is discouraged especially in community areas with a higher spread of virus.  [...]

By |2022-12-17T12:29:24-08:00February 9th, 2021|Announcement, Featured Articles|Comments Off on Returning to school has one new rule: No sharing

Is it safe to offer recess when schools reopen?

Is it safe to offer recess During a Pandemic? Webb City, Missouri., June 19, 2020 Principals across the nation are faced with an added pressure for fall school reopening.  How to offer a safe recess in the middle of a pandemic? A 6’ Distancing Playground, the brainchild of award-winning educator and playground designer, Dr. Melinda [...]

Magic Moments in Youth Sports

Magic Moments is Sports By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Magic Moments in Sports This is my granddaughter Kaelyn. "She recently participated in some “magic moments in youth sports”. She actively engages in recreational basketball and competitive [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:14:01-08:00February 2nd, 2020|Featured Articles, Physical Activity|0 Comments

Spotlight Article: Legal Issues Impacting Playground Supervision

Legal Issues and Answers As you may know, for more than 15 years, I have been hired as an expert witness in cases involving student injuries and how those related to supervision.  In this article I will share with you some words of wisdom I have learned serving as an expert. One key in all [...]

By |2020-12-14T08:14:33-08:00August 21st, 2019|Featured Articles, Supervision|0 Comments

School Recess Revival

School Recess Revival By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Mandating School Recess Revival   In recent years, an effort to pass laws mandating school recess for elementary school-age students has picked up steam largely as a result of parent advocates who believe school recess plays an [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:18:15-08:00June 30th, 2019|Featured Articles, Recess|0 Comments

Equity Matters in Education – Low income schools receive recess less often.

Equity Matters: Recess Equity matters in public education. When you do some searching you’ll find that there is a disparity between wealthy and low-income public schools who receive recess. According to the Center for Public Education, the more low-income a school the less recess they are likely to have. This statistic is both sad and [...]

By |2020-12-11T13:50:01-08:00October 11th, 2018|Recess, Resources|0 Comments

Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues

Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Discipline Alternatives to Withholding Recess I received this question from a parent, regarding her child's school, withholding recess for discipline reasons. "My child’s school has started using Peaceful Playgrounds and the children have [...]

By |2025-02-27T12:09:49-08:00September 21st, 2018|Featured Articles, playground, Recess|0 Comments

Play Nice Newsletter on Playground Discipline

Discipline on the Playground Guidance for Playgrounds Supervisors & Staff Discipline on the playground is a challenge at most school sites.   Most schools, however,  strictly enforce classroom rules and procedures in order to maintain a safe classroom environment for students. When students go to the playground for recess, the classroom rules are not adequate for [...]

By |2018-09-13T09:30:29-07:00September 13th, 2018|Announcement, Playground Supervision|0 Comments

WA PTA Resolution in Support of Recess

Washington PTA: 11.27 Recess Advocacy – RECESS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Resolution passed 2018 Whereas, children’s physical fitness and children’s engagement in physical activity are associated with greater academic achievement and cognitive functioning, and increased physical activity during the school day does not adversely affect student academic achievement; and Whereas, elementary school children who have more [...]

By |2020-12-10T10:36:42-08:00September 5th, 2018|Recess|0 Comments

National PTA Resolution in Support of Recess

School Recess -Recess Advocacy Whereas, Children’s physical fitness and children’s engagement in physical activity are associated with greater academic achievement and cognitive functioning; andWhereas, Elementary school children who have more recess time have been found to have better classroom behavior; and Whereas, Recess is important for children’s socialization, school adjustment, and overall social development; and [...]

By |2020-12-09T15:43:52-08:00September 4th, 2018|Recess, Resources|0 Comments