Online Bullying Prevention Training – State Compliance Training

This course is designed to meet state bullying prevention training requirements for school staffs. The course will: 1. define bullying as prescribed by law, 2. give an overview of state legislative requirements, 3. provide teacher and staff training on responding to bullying and 4. will give guidance regarding, the district, school and staff responsibilities as [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:09:59-07:00June 13th, 2013|Online Learning|0 Comments

Bullying Prevention: Life Lessons on Good and Evil

Bullying Prevention: Life's Lessons in Good and Evil by Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Bullying Prevention Good vs Evil in Schools As you may know, last month I attended a gathering of like minded individuals called Hero Camp. During the Hero Camp discussions, I kept reflecting [...]

By |2025-03-07T12:29:37-08:00December 6th, 2012|Bullying, Featured Articles|0 Comments

How Teachers Should Respond to Bullying

How Teachers Should Respond to School Bullying Setting the stage for responding to bullying. Download Article How to Respond to Bullying..... First, it is important to acknowledge that students rarely bully victims in front of an adult. The chance of a teacher observing bullying in school is limited. [...]