Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues

Alternatives to withholding recess for discipline issues By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Discipline Alternatives to Withholding Recess I received this question from a parent, regarding her child's school, withholding recess for discipline reasons. "My child’s school has started using Peaceful Playgrounds and the children have [...]

By |2025-02-27T12:09:49-08:00September 21st, 2018|Featured Articles, playground, Recess|0 Comments

Playground Stencils: Beyond Busy, Happy, and Good

Playground Stencils : "Beyond Busy, Happy & Good" By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Playground Stencils An ever constant mantra in teaching is “what is the learning objective?” Outdoor learning environment I remember an experience where I was observing a 3rd-grade classroom. Students were digging in [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:14:45-08:00October 5th, 2017|Featured Articles, playground|0 Comments

Safer Playgrounds: Assessing Layout, Supervision, and Staff Training

The Second Step E newsletter contained a great article on "Safer Playgrounds: Assessing Layout, Supervision, and Staff Training." The article covers tips and research on the physical environment on playgrounds and  playground supervision. For additional information go to the Committee for Children website.  

By |2021-06-16T21:09:53-07:00August 10th, 2016|playground, Resources|0 Comments

Peaceful Playgrounds’: Designed for Learning

By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor A playground designed for learning An ever constant mantra in teaching is "what is the learning objective?"  Is your playground a place designed for learning?  When I was a principal, I remember an experience while observing a classroom of 3rd graders.  Students were digging in a sand bucket [...]

By |2025-03-07T12:15:35-08:00March 16th, 2016|Featured Articles, playground|0 Comments

Five Tips for Making Your Playground Kid Friendly

5 Tips for a Kid Friendly Playground By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor 5 Tips for a Kid Friendly Playground Peaceful Playgrounds shares Five Tips for a Kid Friendly Playground based on their research on playgrounds. These 5 easy to implementation tips can make a big [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:09:18-08:00December 2nd, 2013|Featured Articles, playground|0 Comments

School Recess gets a dose of peace at Nottingham West in Hudson

School recess activities at Nottingham Elementary Hudson School implements new playground rules Photo by : William Wrobel  The Telegraph Jumprope at recess When one player made a mistake and wanted a “do-over,” others reminded him that was against the  new playground rules, and he quietly, if somewhat unhappily, returned to playing. And [...]

Everything I learned in life I learned on the playground

I watched a less popular girl, Allison, walk up to a group of four girls who were playing a game of four-square. As she approached and asked, “Can I play?” she was quickly rebuffed. “The game is closed,” Janey, the ring leader, announced. Given the school is a Peaceful Playgrounds school, I was surprised at [...]

Reduce Playground Confrontations

Peaceful Playgrounds Programs reduce playground confrontations and arguments Reducing playground confrontations can make recess more enjoyable. Children spend many hours of their day occupying themselves with what the playground has to offer and have little control over the recess environment. The nearby neighborhood may enjoy both its appearance and its utility of the school [...]

By |2025-03-26T14:40:51-07:00January 30th, 2013|playground, Testimonials|0 Comments

Peaceful Playgrounds Reduction In Playground Problems

How to have a Peaceful Playground - 1999 Aria Lopez-Rosende Principal, Pioneer Elementary I first learned about Peaceful Playgrounds (PP) as a classroom teacher over 10 years ago and heard about the resulting  reduction in playground problems. Then I became I Principal of Pioneer Elementary in Escondido and realized that with a playground of [...]

Playground Markings Boost Physical Activity

By Cheri Carlson Ventura County Star Newspaper October 2007 New playground game markings boost physical activity. New playground game markings boost physical activity at Camarillo school.  Getting students active is a goal of most schools since the majority of students in elementary school do not get the 60 minutes a day of recommended physical activity. [...]

Sheboygan Falls Elementary Gets a Playground Makeover

Sheboygan Falls gets playground transformation August 2009 By Jeff Pederson Sheboygan Falls - Plymouth, WI When students return to Sheboygan Falls Elementary School for the first day of the 2009-10 school year, a whole new world of fun, fitness, and creativity awaits from the school's playground makeover. Thanks to the initiative, hard work, and dedication [...]

Low Cost Playgrounds Can Result in High Levels of Activity

By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor "Peaceful Playgrounds: An engaging recess solution." Playground Equipment Increases Physical Activity The basic playground ball is a great tool to get kids moving. Simple playthings like loose playground equipment such as  balls, jump ropes, hula hoops and riding toys, do more for encouraging physical activity on [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:11:50-08:00December 9th, 2012|Featured Articles, playground|0 Comments

Keeping Kids Cool at School

Keeping Kids Cool At School When is it too hot for recess? By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor When is it too hot for recess? As most of the nation head back to school facing triple-digit heat principals will begin to ask themselves, "When is it too [...]

By |2025-02-26T12:26:35-08:00August 23rd, 2012|Featured Articles, playground, Recess|1 Comment