
More Fun with Productive Play During Outdoor Recess

By Jane Long The Breeze-Courier October 2003 Students enjoy outdoor recess with lots of playground game choices. Taylorville - Four third-grade students at North Elementary School urgently request bean bags from the school playground supervisor [...]

Recess and P.E. Critical to Success

Back to School Student participates in P.E. class activities. Not only adults but also children need physical activity in order to stay happy, healthy, and focused. If you have children of your own, [...]

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: News and Media, Newspapers Articles|Tags: , , , |

Painting Playground Games at Center Woods Elementary

August 2004 Goffstown News Painting the playground games like 4 square and hopscotch. Recess at Center Woods Elementary School will be a lot more interesting and fun this year. As part of [...]

Bringing Peace to the School Playground

Redlands Daily Facts August 2004 Students play on school playground new target games. In 1973, an idea struck Los Angeles educator Melinda Bossenmeyer after years of being a teacher and a principal [...]

Playground Games Cuts Down on Injuries and Resolves Conflicts

Kane County Chronicle[jwplayer mediaid="874"] September 2004 The action was fast-paced as fifth-graders at Wild Rose Elementary School learned the rules of new playground games. Bean bag four square involves tossing and catching a bean bag [...]

The New Rules – Playground Monitors Emphasize Behavior Expectations

 January 2005 The new rules and behavior expectations. New behavior expectations state, "go down the slide only on your bottom." Corvallis Gazette-Times As a second-grader slips down the covered slide at Philomath's [...]

Ashley Falls’ School Climate – Peaceful Playground Information

Ashley Falls' School News Ashley Falls VP Pamela Donovan Implemented Peaceful Playgrounds Have you noticed how peaceful Ashley Falls’ playground is? This year we are implementing the Peaceful Playgrounds program to improve the  [...]

Effects of Peaceful Playgrounds on Injury Reduction

San Diego County Office of Education Dr. Rudy M. Castruita County Superintendent of Schools Editor: Mary Blackman, Coordinator Physical Education/Health Winter 2005 A case study examined the effects of the Peaceful Playgrounds Program on injury [...]

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: About, Research|Tags: , , |

Louisiana Department of Education

A Plan for Playground Games - March 2005 Melinda Bossenmeyer Creates Peaceful Playgrounds Recess Program Unique playground games Too often, children are sent from the playground to the principal’s office or the school nurse. [...]

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: Newspapers Articles|Tags: |

At Armatage, a Peaceful Playground

 April 2005 Southwest Journal - Minneapolis, MN Peaceful Playground Take Shape At Armatage Later this year, a giant, colorful U.S. playground map and grids for math problems and wordplay games will be spray-painted on a [...]

Remember tag? Red Rover? No more. Playround Safety Rules.

The Wichita Eagle - Wichita, KS April 2005 Remember tag? Red Rover? Hanging upside down on the monkey bars? Climbing up the slide? Jumping off the swings? No more. Now  playground safety rules. Those traditional [...]

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: News and Media, Newspapers Articles|Tags: , , |

Two Tracy Girl Scouts are Golden

Girl Scout using playground stencils to create school U.S. Map By Malcolm Maclachlan Tracy Press - Tracy, CA May 21, 2005 The stated mission of the Girl Scouts is to build confidence, courage and character [...]

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: News and Media, Newspapers Articles|Tags: , , |