Peaceful Playground Teaches Social Skills
November 2008 By Christina Styan The Standard-Times - Dartmouth, MA Outside the Quinn Elementary School, on the Second Step Peaceful Playground, kids learn social skills like respect. Inside, as part of "Mix It Up Day [...]
Marana School Playing with a Change on its Playground
January 2009 By Barbara Grijalva KOLD-TV - Tucson, AZ [jwplayer mediaid="817"] There's something that's supposed to keep children from fighting on the playground, reduce playground injuries, and a lot more. What is this miracle? Marana's [...]
Twin Peaks Students add Age Appropriate Games
Age appropriate elementary school playground games are painted onto existing playground surface. January 2009 By Chuck Barth Marana Weekly News - Tucson, AZ Twin Peaks school playground showcases age appropriate games and markings [...]
Kids Learn How to Play Nice
January 2009 By Andrea Rivera Arizona Daily Star - Tucson, AZ Students learn to participate in recess activities and are expected to play nice with new Peaceful Playgrounds Program. Minor spats and disagreements [...]
Urbana Elementary Recognized for Playground Safety Video
January 2009 By Staff Reporter Maryland Community Newspapers - Fredrick, MD Urbana Elementary School. Fifth grade Computer Club members at Urbana Elementary School recently were rewarded for creating an informative video [...]
Promoting Peaceful Play at Northwest Elementary School
May 2009 By Joie Tyrrell NewsDay - Melville, NY Research indicates that there is an absence of peaceful play and a prevalence of bullying in schools is increasing on a regular basis and that most [...]
Peace! New Playground Equipment and Games Designed for Harmony
Playground markings and equipment result in playground harmony June 2009 By Hugh Gallagher Observer - Detroit, MI Girls playing recess games at South Redford Elementary School. Keep children busy doing interesting things [...]
Principal Hopes to Implement Peaceful Playground With School Grant
School grant provides new games and activities for students at recess. June 2009 By Christine Haines Herald-Standard - Uniontown, PA Student enjoy benefits of school grant for new playground. Imagine a playground without [...]
Grants Take Kids a Hop, Skip and Jump from Video Games
June 2009 By Beth Gollob Oklahoman - Oklahoma City, OK For many adults, hopscotch and jump rope seem like games every child should know. But with a computer or video game system in nearly every [...]
Sheboygan Falls Elementary Gets a Playground Makeover
Sheboygan Falls gets playground transformation August 2009 By Jeff Pederson Sheboygan Falls - Plymouth, WI When students return to Sheboygan Falls Elementary School for the first day of the 2009-10 school year, a whole new [...]
Parents Purport Painted Blacktop Games Creates Peaceful Playground
August 2009 By Bret Liebendorfer Columbus News - Columbus, OH The program is inexpensive and is something that can easily be added to a playground. Working on their hands and knees, parent volunteers [...]
Eagle View Students are in for a Nice Surprise on School Playground
September 2009 By Jodie Tweed Brainerd Dispatch - Brainerd, MA Deanne Trottier, an Eagle View second-grade teacher and playground committee member, spray painted colorful markings on a play space in front of the Breezy [...]