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School Recess Revival

School Recess Revival By Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, The Recess Doctor Mandating School Recess Revival   In recent years, an effort to pass laws mandating school recess for elementary school-age students has picked up steam largely as a result of parent advocates who believe school recess plays an [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:56:45-07:00June 30th, 2019|Featured Articles, Recess|0 Comments

Mother Petitions School Board for Playground Supervision Guidelines from Peaceful Playgrounds

After a school playground incident involving a first-grade student, a child's mother,  Mrs. Romeno petitioned the local School Board to consider playground safety guidelines from Peaceful Playgrounds designed to keep all kids safe on the playground. The incident has turned the mother into an advocate for school playground safety at Guilderland. She presented the board [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:09:52-07:00July 21st, 2017|Newspapers Articles|0 Comments

Peaceful Playgrounds on Pinterest

We have a variety of Pinterest Boards that may be of interest to you. Peaceful Playgrounds Videos U.S. Map Stencil Games Games We Played Classroom Games for Indoor Recess Featured Articles by Dr. Bossenmeyer Bullying Fitness Fun Zone Play Nice Newsletter Recess Before Lunch Social Media Physical Education ECE Movement Online Courses Recess Kids Walking [...]

By |2021-06-16T21:09:57-07:00March 11th, 2014|featured posts|0 Comments

We Count – Student Walking Program

We Count- Student Walking Program KDG-6th Grade We Count Walking Program & Curriculum The We Count Student Walking Program uses pedometers as an aid to kids in fighting fat. The complete program kit ensures your success with the We Count! Each set includes 10 Student pedometers, progress charts, certificates, [...]

Peaceful Playgrounds Best in Class! – Brings about Whole School Change!

National experts rated excellent! Peaceful Playgrounds addresses a number of national standards. "Their rapid expansion attests that the approach is both practical and a realistic intervention for schools interested in this cost effective childhood obesity intervention that gets kids moving."

By |2021-06-16T21:10:03-07:00January 30th, 2013|About, Awards, featured posts|0 Comments

Playground Program Recognition

Many of the most respected sources in health and education recommend Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer's innovative Peaceful Playgrounds and We Count! Student Wellness Programs have received playground program recognition from a variety of organizations. Peaceful Playgrounds has received numerous playground program recognition awards including being  recognized as a fully NCLB Compliant Program. The Federal No Child [...]

By |2024-06-19T09:55:03-07:00January 30th, 2013|About, Awards|0 Comments

Playground Research

Playground Research Scientific Research Review Playground Markings Research Playground markings are currently a popular intervention strategy in the increasing epidemic of childhood obesity. Numerous playground research studies have shown that playground markings increase children’s physical activity levels at recess. Scientifically based research cited in [...]

By |2024-06-19T12:02:43-07:00January 17th, 2013|About, Research|0 Comments

Play Right at Recess- It’s Like A Miracle

Play Right Marni Pyke The Northwest Herald Peaceful Playgrounds is  like a  miracle happened. A year ago, controlled bedlam reigned in the South Elementary School playground in Crystal Lake during recess. Then it was like a miracle happened. Children played a chaotic version of soccer that led to brawls and name calling. Those intimidated by [...]

An Updated Playground is More than Play Space

New Play Space Project Began in November By Cathie Ericson The Oregonian - Wilsonville, OR   February 2008 A peaceful playground -- isn't that the dream of all students, parents, and educators? Where recess is a time of socialization, fresh air, and physical activity, rather than a period marked by conflict and bullying. That's [...]